Celebrating the Company’s diversity legacy this International Women’s Day

PanAust and its subsidiary companies acknowledges the significant contributions its female employees make to the Company’s ongoing success this International Women’s Day.

Today, 8 March marks the 112th International Women’s Day. PanAust recognises that workplace diversity is key to achieving its localisation strategy in the countries where it operates. Enabling its female employees to increasingly operate, maintain and manage the Company’s operations is a testament to this strategy and this year’s International Women’s Day theme of #BreakTheBias.

In 2021 PanAust’s Lao-registered company, Phu Bia Mining achieved its highest level of localisation to date, with Lao nationals making up 93 per cent of its workforce. Women’s workforce participation in Phu Bia Mining also reached a landmark 20 per cent, with many holding positions that were once considered to be male only jobs, including truck driving, drilling, excavating and control-room supervising.

PanAust recognises that a diverse workforce brings a wide range of perspectives, skills, knowledge and experiences which enables business innovation and drives ongoing Company success.

Year on year, the Company remains focused on achieving greater diversity across its operations. The Company has and will continue to encourage and support its female employees to take on challenging and senior roles within the Company.

The Company thanks all its female employees for their invaluable contributions.

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