Company speaks at the latest Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s seminar
Earlier this month, PanAust’s Lao-registered company, Phu Bia Mining was invited to participate in the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (LNCCI) ‘Empowering Women Entrepreneurs’ seminar.
Co-sponsored by Australian and US aid agencies based in Laos and held over two days from 11 March 2021, the seminar included panel discussions, question and answer time and product displays of enterprises owned by female entrepreneurs.
Phu Bia Mining Senior External Affairs Manager, Manilath Arounlangsy represented the Company and spoke about the role women play in shaping business opportunities through the COVID-19 pandemic, the leadership qualities women bring to the mining industry and Phu Bia Mining’s vision to increase gender diversity and female participation in its workforce.
The LNCCI was established in 1989 as an independent body which represents the business community in Laos and has more than 400 registered company members across 18 provinces. A member of the LNCCI since 2010, Phu Bia Mining has been active in supporting the growth of small business development in Laos through the procurement and sourcing of local goods and services from Lao and Lao-based international companies.
Above: Phu Bia Mining Senior External Affairs Manager, Manilath Arounlangsy (right) receives a gift commemorating her participation in the ‘Empowering Women Entrepreneurs’ seminar, 11-12 March 2021.
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