PanAust announces support for the 14th annual Sepik River Crocodile and Arts Festival

PanAust – through its wholly owned subsidiary Frieda River Limited (FRL) – has announced its support of the 14th Annual Sepik River Crocodile and Arts Festival.

Held in Ambunti, East Sepik Province from 5th – 7th August 2022, the festival is a three-day cultural celebration.

General Manager Projects and Infrastructure and FRL Director, Phil McCormack said FRL has supported the festival since 2011 and is proud to see the celebration of culture growing popular and successful each year.

“We’re pleased to support the celebration of local cultures and traditions along the Sepik corridor and the hosting of the event again this year after a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Phil said.

Festival organising committee secretary, Jacob Marek, thanked FRL for its continuous support of the festival over the years.

“Frieda River Limited is one of the first to respond to our requests for assistance. I thank the management and acknowledge the Company’s support over the years. The organising committee looks forward to partnering with FRL again next year.”

The festival highlights the crocodile and its cultural significance to the communities living along the Sepik River. A total of 15 cultural groups will display cultural performances at the Ambunti station, East Sepik Province.

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