PanAust hands over new concrete road to the Government of Laos
Last month, PanAust’s Lao-registered company, Phu Bia Mining handed over its 100 per cent investment of more than US$1.4 million in the newly constructed concrete road in Nam Mo village, located in Xaisomboun Province to the Government of Laos.
The handover ceremony marks one of the Company’s largest socio-economic contributions to the province as well as the strong friendship with the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
Xaisomboun Provincial Governor, His Excellency Phoykham Houangbounguang, acknowledged the substantial investment when officially receiving the concrete road from Phu Bia Mining Chairman, Mr Chanpheng Bounnaphol and Phu Bia Mining Managing Director, Wen fu Wang.
The sentiment was also shared by high-ranking Government of Laos officials who attended the ceremony including the Vice Minister and Deputy Head of the Prime Minister’s Office, Her Excellency Madam Thippakone Chanthavongsa; the Vice Minister of Energy and Mines, His Excellency Thongphat Inthavong; the Vice Minister of Public Works and Transport, His Excellency Lan Sengaphone; and other senior Government officials and invited guests.
Following the ceremony, Phu Bia Mining hosted invited Government officials and local media representatives to a site visit at its flagship Phu Kham Copper-Gold Operation.
Ban Nam Mo is one of Phu Bia Mining’s host communities close to its Phu Kham Copper-Gold Operation, a host village, that has directly benefited from a wide range of Company initiated small-scale community development projects since 2008. The newly constructed road provides an important route, connecting Xaisomboun Province’s metropolitan area and other road users opting for an alternate route to Xieng Khouang Province.
The Nam Mo concrete road showcases how Phu Bia Mining continues to align its community development program with the Government of Laos’ land-linked strategy focused on building an interconnected public road network system in Laos.
Phu Bia Mining’s goal through its ongoing long-term presence in Laos, is to continue to partner with the Government to enable more investment in public road infrastructure.
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