PanAust recognises employees for 10 and 15 years of continuous service
In December, PanAust held special ceremonies to recognise 352 of its employees for 10 and 15 years of continuous service with the Company. 2021 marks the largest group to have reached this milestone. The program recognises employees who embrace PanAust’s Vision and Values.
In Laos, available site-based employees of PanAust’s Lao registered Company, Phu Bia Mining, were presented with a certificate of appreciation and a corporate gift at ceremonies held at the Phu Kham Copper-Gold and Ban Houayxai Gold-Silver Operations. Employees from more than 18 departments across the Company received the special recognition awards.
To ensure the Company continues to comply with the Government of Laos’ country-wide COVID-19 lockdown measures, only employees living near the ‘Operations bubble’ attended the ceremonies.
In the Company’s Brisbane headquarters, two general managers were recognised for their 10 years of service with PanAust and Phu Bia Mining. Separately, in another recognition ceremony held in the Vientiane office, Phu Bia Mining Chairman, Mr Chanpheng Bounnaphol presented certificates of appreciation and corporate gifts to sixteen Vientiane- based employees who have reached 10 and 15 years of service respectively with Phu Bia Mining.
Now in its seventh year, the Long Service Awards program recognises employees who have been instrumental to the Company’s ongoing success. The majority of the employees receiving their long service award in 2021 were Lao-nationals including 53 female employees.
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