PanAust hosts Austcham April Sundowner

On 7 April, PanAust’s Lao-registered company, Phu Bia Mining welcomed more than 100 participants from the Australian-Lao business community to the Austcham Lao People Democratic Republic’s April Sundowner event held...

PanAust speaks about corporate social responsibility at Austcham Lao PDR Forum

PanAust’s Lao-registered company Phu Bia Mining was invited to participate in an Austcham Lao PDR forum aimed at developing sustainable business initiatives and reporting standards in Laos. Held on 18...
22 Mar 2021

Company speaks at the latest Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s seminar

Earlier this month, PanAust’s Lao-registered company, Phu Bia Mining was invited to participate in the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (LNCCI) ‘Empowering Women Entrepreneurs’ seminar. Co-sponsored by Australian...
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