03 Jul 2024

2023 PanAust Modern Slavery Statement Released

PanAust has released its fourth Modern Slavery Statement underscoring the company’s commitment to combating modern slavery and human trafficking across all its supply chains.

Consistent with its Value of Care, PanAust understands that modern slavery is a grave violation of human rights and the statement demonstrates that the organisation is committed to transparency, protecting human rights, and being a good corporate citizen.

The statement documents the steps it is taking to identify, prevent, and mitigate the risks of modern slavery across its business.

PanAust has in place systems to:
• identify and assess potential risk areas in its supply chains
• mitigate the risk of slavery occurring in its supply chains
• monitor the potential risk areas in its supply chains
• protect whistleblowers.

PanAust manages risks through a range of policies, procedures and practices documented in The PanAust Way (code of conduct), procurement requirements, the Sustainability Policy, a Whistleblower Policy, in-house management of construction and logistics activities, and proactive engagement with contractors.

This document is published in compliance with the Australian Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 that requires all Australian entities with annual consolidated revenue of at least AU$100 million to prepare and publish annual Modern Slavery Statements.

The statement was submitted to the Australian Modern Slavery Statements Register here: modernslaveryregister.gov.au/


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