
Through our shareholder, Guangdong Rising H.K. (Holding) Limited, PanAust is committed to improving the standard of living for current and future generations in the communities where it operates.

The Company does this by meeting the global demand for resources in a socially responsible way; supportive of the traditional rights and values of its host communities, and respect for cultural heritage.

PanAust recognises that its mining operations can create lasting positive impacts on host communities and it aims to ensure that its presence is beneficial overall.

PanAust supports community development initiatives at its operational, major exploration sites and logistics and haulage routes with the goal of helping local communities develop sustainable socio-economic livelihoods that will continue beyond the life of the mine.

Community development projects are managed in partnership with local communities and closely coordinated with government authorities to ensure alignment with national development strategies. Community development programs focus on education, agriculture, health, infrastructure, and microfinance and small-business development.
