PanAust hosts Austcham April Sundowner
On 7 April, PanAust’s Lao-registered company, Phu Bia Mining welcomed more than 100 participants from the Australian-Lao business community to the Austcham Lao People Democratic Republic’s April Sundowner event held at the Lao-German Technical College in Vientiane.
As host for the month, the Company used the opportunity to showcase the benefits of its corporate social responsibility strategy through its apprenticeship program at the college. At the conclusion of the three-year program, the apprentices will receive an Australian Certificate III in their trade discipline and a High Diploma from the Lao Ministry of Education and Sport.
During the event, the Company’s apprentices shared about their experiences in their chosen area of study — in automotive electrical, heavy vehicle plant mechanical, heavy mechanical, metal fabrication and welding, fitting and machining and electrical — and enthusiastically demonstrated their skillsets and knowledge.
The night concluded with a networking reception.
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