Company representatives in Laos meet with newly appointed Vice Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism

On Wednesday 12 January, Senior Manager External Affairs Manilath Arounlangsy led a contingent of Government Relations representatives from PanAust’s Lao-registered Company, Phu Bia Mining (PBM) in a meeting with Mr Phosy Keomanyvong at the Office of Lao National Radio.

The visit afforded Company representatives the opportunity to congratulate him on being appointed Vice Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism following the recent ministerial elections.

In a demonstration of the Company’s longstanding relationship with Lao media, Company representatives shared with the Vice Minister how PBM  has continued to engage the public through online media platforms, newspapers, radio and television stations in Laos; areas the Vice Minister will oversee in his newly appointed position.

During the visit, PBM representatives also discussed the Company’s Operations and highlighted its ongoing support to the Government and people of Laos to help fight COVID-19.

The Vice Minister extended his thanks and best wishes to PBM and PanAust and praised PBM’s ongoing engagement with Lao media.

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