PanAust hosts Austcham April Sundowner
On 7 April, PanAust’s Lao-registered company, Phu Bia Mining welcomed more than 100 participants from the Australian-Lao business community to the Austcham Lao People Democratic Republic’s April Sundowner event held...
23 3 月 2021
PanAust speaks about corporate social responsibility at Austcham Lao PDR Forum
PanAust’s Lao-registered company Phu Bia Mining was invited to participate in an Austcham Lao PDR forum aimed at developing sustainable business initiatives and reporting standards in Laos. Held on 18...
22 3 月 2021
Company speaks at the latest Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s seminar
Earlier this month, PanAust’s Lao-registered company, Phu Bia Mining was invited to participate in the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (LNCCI) ‘Empowering Women Entrepreneurs’ seminar. Co-sponsored by Australian...