
PanAust is committed to fostering an open and transparent environment in which employees and stakeholders are encouraged to report any conduct which is contrary to the Company’s code of conduct, The PanAust Way.

If you think a decision or action is inconsistent with any policy, standard, or procedure or law, then you have a right and a responsibility to raise that concern. For employees, in most cases, you should firstly raise your concern directly with your supervisor or senior PanAust representative. However, where this is not possible or it relates to a potential or actual instance of misconduct, please contact the PanAust Whistleblower Service where your confidentiality will be respected.

The PanAust Whistleblower Service is a confidential and anonymous way for all PanAust stakeholders, employees, contractors, consultants and suppliers to report or raise concerns about misconduct at work through an independent externally operated body. The Whistleblower Service can be contacted by telephone, web form, email or mail.


PanAust Whistleblower Online


PanAust Whistleblower Officer
PO Box 2297
Fortitude Valley Business Centre
QLD 4006


Australia (English and all other languages) 1800 910 937
Papua New Guinea (Tok Pisin and English languages) +61 (0) 7 3117 2002
Laos (Lao and English languages) 021-241-991 (+856 21 241 991)

For further information about the Whistleblower Service and the PanAust Ethics and Conduct line please view our information sheet.

